19. November 2024 I Zürich

GIPS Day 2024 - Part 1

Experienced Speakers from the GIPS Expert Group of the Asset Management Association Switzerland will inform you at first hand. Part I of the GIPS Day introduces the Fundamentals of GIPS compliance, the institutional framework, the performance and risk measurement as well as a practical example of GIPS in daily business. This part is especially aimed at “GIPS beginners”.

19.11.2024, 08:45 Uhr
19.11.2024, 19:15 Uhr
Metropol Zurich, Fraumünsterstrasse 12, 8001 Zurich
Kontaktname: AMAS events
Telefon: +41 61 278 98 00

The GIPS Day is aimed at employees of asset managers, banks and other financial intermediaries, in particular persons working in the following fields: GIPS Office, Performance Measurement, Risk Reporting, Risk Management, Risk Control, Investment Advisory, Legal & Compliance, Internal Audit, Public Policy / Governmental Affairs, Client Advisors, Marketing (Asset Management, Private Banking) as well as representatives of Asset Managers, Audit Firms, Consultants, Pension Funds, Trusts, Family Offices, Software Providers and Securities Dealers.

The first part of the seminar (08.45 am – 04.15 pm) focuses on the content and the institutional framework of the GIPS Standards and is especially aimed at “GIPS Beginners”.

Both Parts (I+II): CHF 250.- (members and non-members)
Only Part II: CHF 100.- (members and non-members)

Registrations for the webinar must be received by 10 November 2024 at the latest.
Cancellations must be received in written to office@am-switzerland.ch by 14 November 2024. Cancellations received after this date are subject to a cancellation fee of 100%. Thank you for your understanding.

Die Anmeldefrist für diesen Anlass ist am 10.11.2024 19:30 Uhr bereits abgelaufen.