Statements - Archive
Stellungnahme zur Vernehmlassung für eine Änderung des Kollektivanlagengesetzes (KAG) zum L-QIF
17. Oktober 2019
(the document is not available in the current language Englisch, but in another language)
Stellungnahme zu «STAF: Verordnung über den steuerlichen Abzug auf Eigenfinanzierung juristischer Personen und Verordnungen über die Anrechnung ausländischer Quellensteuern»
9 July 2019 (German version only) (the document is not available in the current language Englisch, but in another language)
9 July 2019 (German version only) (the document is not available in the current language Englisch, but in another language)
Stellungnahme zur Verordnung des Finanzmarktaufsichtsgesetzes
22 August 2020 (German version only) (the document is not available in the current language Englisch, but in another language)
22 August 2020 (German version only) (the document is not available in the current language Englisch, but in another language)
Anhörung zum neuen Kreisschreiben der ESTV «Verwirkung des Anspruchs von natürlichen Personen auf Rückerstattung der Verrechnungssteuer gemäss Artikel 23 VStG in der Fassung vom 28. September 2018»
7 May 2019 (German version only) (the document is not available in the current language Englisch, but in another language)
7 May 2019 (German version only) (the document is not available in the current language Englisch, but in another language)
Stellungnahme zu FIDLEV / FINIV
6. Februar 2019
(the document is not available in the current language Englisch, but in another language)
Stellungnahme Änderung der Grundbuchverordnung
25 October 2018 (German version only) (the document is not available in the current language Englisch, but in another language)
25 October 2018 (German version only) (the document is not available in the current language Englisch, but in another language)
Stellungnahme Konsultation zu den Arbeiten der Arbeitsgruppe Blockchain / ICO
19.09.2018 (German version only) (the document is not available in the current language Englisch, but in another language)
19.09.2018 (German version only) (the document is not available in the current language Englisch, but in another language)
Stellungnahme Revision FINMA-RS 2013 Prüfwesen
27 February 2018 (German version only) (the document is not available in the current language Englisch, but in another language)
27 February 2018 (German version only) (the document is not available in the current language Englisch, but in another language)
Stellungnahme Steuervorlage 2017
30.11.2017 (German version only) (the document is not available in the current language Englisch, but in another language)
30.11.2017 (German version only) (the document is not available in the current language Englisch, but in another language)
Vernehmlassungsverfahren Änderung des Bundesgesetzes über den Erwerb von Grundstücken durch Personen im Ausland
16 June 2017 (German version only) (the document is not available in the current language Englisch, but in another language)
16 June 2017 (German version only) (the document is not available in the current language Englisch, but in another language)
ESTV - Überarbeitung Kreisschreiben Nr. 13, 15, 24 und 25
3 March 2017 (German version only) (the document is not available in the current language Englisch, but in another language)
3 March 2017 (German version only) (the document is not available in the current language Englisch, but in another language)
Teilrevision der Finanzmarktinfrastrukturverordnung-FINMA (FinfraV-FINMA)
17 October 2016 (German version only) (the document is not available in the current language Englisch, but in another language)
17 October 2016 (German version only) (the document is not available in the current language Englisch, but in another language)
Finanzmarktinfrastrukturgesetz (FinfraG) – Ausführungsverordnungen von EFD und FINMA
15 October 2015 (German version only) (the document is not available in the current language Englisch, but in another language)
15 October 2015 (German version only) (the document is not available in the current language Englisch, but in another language)
Anhörung zum Entwurf der revidierten Geldwäschereiverordnung-FINMA
01.04.2015 (German version only) (the document is not available in the current language Englisch, but in another language)
01.04.2015 (German version only) (the document is not available in the current language Englisch, but in another language)
Vernehmlassung zum Bundesgesetz über das Schuldner- und das Zahlstellenprinzip bei der Verrechnungssteuer
31 March 2015 (German version only) (the document is not available in the current language Englisch, but in another language)
31 March 2015 (German version only) (the document is not available in the current language Englisch, but in another language)
Vernehmlassung zum Unternehmenssteuerreformgesetz III (USR III)
14 January 2015 (German version only) (the document is not available in the current language Englisch, but in another language)
14 January 2015 (German version only) (the document is not available in the current language Englisch, but in another language)
ESMA-Vernehmlassung zu Call for evidence AIFMD passport and third country AIFMs
8 January 2015 (German version only)
8 January 2015 (German version only)
Anhörung zur Totalrevision der KKV-FINMA
26 May 2014 (German version only) (the document is not available in the current language Englisch, but in another language)
26 May 2014 (German version only) (the document is not available in the current language Englisch, but in another language)
Vernehmlassung Reform der Altersvorsorge 2020
18 March 2014 (German version only) (the document is not available in the current language Englisch, but in another language)
18 March 2014 (German version only) (the document is not available in the current language Englisch, but in another language)
Stellungnahme zum Hearingbericht zum Projekt Finanzdienstleistungsgesetz
28 March 2013 (German version only) (the document is not available in the current language Englisch, but in another language)
28 March 2013 (German version only) (the document is not available in the current language Englisch, but in another language)
Anhörung zur KKV-Teilrevision
8 January 2013 (German version only) (the document is not available in the current language Englisch, but in another language)
8 January 2013 (German version only) (the document is not available in the current language Englisch, but in another language)