• AMAS Meet & Eat “Transformative Potential of GenAI in Asset Management and Key Challenges in Regulatory Reporting and Risk Management”

24 September 2024 I Zurich I exclusively for members

AMAS Meet & Eat “Transformative Potential of GenAI in Asset Management and Key Challenges in Regulatory Reporting and Risk Management”

We'll explore how GenAI can address key challenges in regulatory reporting and risk management. Discover how GenAI can help you make processes more efficient, gain better insights, and improve decision-making. Through real-world examples, we'll showcase how GenAI can drive efficiency and innovation in your asset management practices.

24.09.2024, 11:45 h
24.09.2024, 13:00 h
Zollstrasse 17, 8005 Zurich, 1st Floor (AMAS/SBA Office)
Contact name: AMAS events
Telephone: +41 61 278 98 00

exclusively for members

Calendar entry:

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