Fund management
SFAMA RL NAV CL_e_Checklist Guidelines Valuation of Assets_081126
Guidelines on the Valuation of the Assets of Collective Investment Schemes and the Handling of Valuation Errors in the case of Open-End Collective Investment Schemes: Checklist for an Internal Directive - 26 November 2008
Guidelines on the Valuation of the Assets of Collective Investment Schemes and the Handling of Valuation Errors in the case of Open-End Collective Investment Schemes: Checklist for an Internal Directive - 26 November 2008
Fachinformationen und Empfehlungen
SFAMA FI_d_Teilnahme Sammelklagen_140422
Fachinformation "Teilnahme an Sammelklagen (class actions)" - 22. April 2014 (in German and French only)
(the document is not available in the current language Englisch, but in another language)
SFAMA FI_d_Mitgliedschafts- und Gläubigerrechte_120727_141028
Fachinformation "Ausübung von Mitgliedschafts- und Gläubigerrechten" - 27 July 2012 (updated 28 October 2014)
(the document is not available in the current language Englisch, but in another language)
SFAMA FI_d_Kostenkompensation_070314
Fachinformation "Kompensation von Kosten für die Anpassung des Fondsportefeuilles bei Ausgaben und Rücknahmen von Anteilen" - 14. März 2007
(the document is not available in the current language Englisch, but in another language)
SFAMA FI_e_Taxes_0912
Specialist information factsheet "Collective investment schemes and taxes" - December 2009