Sustainable finance: AMAS introduces self-regulation for asset managers and designers of collective investment products
September 26, 2022
Sustainable finance: AMAS introduces self-regulation for asset managers and designers of collective investment productsAMAS continues to raise the bar for quality and transparency of sustainable assets managed collectively with its new self-regulation framework for sustainable finance. This framework lays down the organisational requirements for financial institutions, as well as for product design and disclosures to investors. With this voluntary self-regulation framework, AMAS raises the standards of the Swiss financial centre in sustainable finance, both in Switzerland and abroad.
Sustainable Finance Self-regulation
For the first time, financial institutions that design and manage collective sustainable investment products will be subject to binding and self-regulated standards, along with disclosure obligations.
The "Self-regulation on transparency and disclosure for collective assets with sustainability relevance" was developed under a broad-based approach. It will come into force on 30 September 2023. With its explicit references to both institutional and product levels, it dovetails with the self-regulation process of client advisory that the Swiss Bankers Association has introduced.