• AMAS x PRI Stewardship Roundtable on Voting

24 octobre 2024 I Zurich I exclusivement pour les membres

AMAS x PRI Stewardship Roundtable on Voting

Voting on agenda items at annual general meetings (AGMs), as embedded in Principle 3 of the Swiss Stewardship Code, is one of the most significant opportunities many investors have for influence. Proxy season remains a critical lever for influence and accountability on ESG issues.

To participate, please register your interest on the PRI platform or contact aurelia.faeh@am-switzerland.ch.

24.10.2024, 11:30 h
24.10.2024, 15:00 h
Asset Management Association Switzerland, Zollstrasse 17, 1st floor, 8005 Zurich
Nom du contact: AMAS events
Téléphone: +41 61 278 98 00

exclusivement pour les membres

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