Global Investment Performance Standards (GIPS)
The CFA Institute Global Investment Performance Standards (GIPS®) are globally accepted standards considered industry best practice for investment performance reporting and presentation. Adopted by hundreds of organizations around the world, the GIPS standards have been implemented by most of the top asset management firms. By establishing requirements for consistent and transparent reporting, the GIPS standards empower investors to compare the past performance of asset managers.
The Asset Management Association Switzerland is the official country sponsor (representative office) for GIPS in Switzerland. The association is also responsible for the administration of GIPS in Switzerland. Together with its GIPS Expert Group, which consists of representatives of investment managers, banks and audit firms, the association promotes GIPS in Switzerland, organizes events and workshops on GIPS, coordinates the position of Swiss users of GIPS on developments and interpretations of the Standards and acts as a link to the global GIPS standard-setting bodies and the CFA Institute. Several members of the GIPS Expert Group represent Switzerland within the international GIPS committees.
2020 GIPS Standards
2020 GIPS Standards for Asset Owners
Tailored provisions for asset owners industry icon
2020 GIPS Standards for Firms
Tailored provisions for all investment firms, including hedge funds, private equity, and other alternative investments magnifying glass icon
2020 GIPS Standards for Verifiers
Combined requirements specifically for verifiers
GIPS® is a registered trademark owned by CFA Institute which provides guidance for the proper use of the GIPS trademark.
Notification Requirement
The GIPS Executive Committee has approved the proposed requirement that firms claiming compliance with the GIPS standards notify CFA Institute. The purpose of this new requirement is to address the expressed requests for more information related to GIPS compliance. The required notification form will collect only limited data, while providing more extensive data is optional. Fur further information, please see here, for Q&A here.
The notification requirement has entered into effect on 1 January 2015. GIPS compliant firms will have to submit their notification form on an annual basis until 30 June of each year to comply.