20 septembre 2022 I Webinaire
Webinaire: "Integrating Biodiversity in Asset Management"
In this webinar we will learn about global developments in the field of biodiversity with a particular focus on Asset Management and TNDF framework in this field. The webinar is jointly hosted by AMAS and Building Bridges.
We will further hear from investment professionals on their experience and challenges with the integration of biodiversity criteria in the investment process.
Adrian Schatzmann, CEO
Key note
Laurent Ramsey, High Level Group Building Bridges and Member of BoD AMAS, Pictet & Cie Group SCA
Addressing the nature challenge
Nathalie Borgeaud, Lead Financial Markets Stakeholder Engagement, Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosures TFND
Lessons from the industry
Michal Kulak, PhD, Senior SI Analyst, Head of Consumer & Health, Robeco Switzerland Ltd
La date limite d'inscription pour cet événement est déjà passée.