• AMAS X #theValueExchange Webinar on Operationalising T+1

14. Juni 2023 I Webinar

AMAS X #theValueExchange Webinar on Operationalising T+1

The ValueExchange and the Asset Management Association Switzerland (AMAS) are pleased to invite you to the webinar “Operationalising T+1 - Leverage insights from near 300 industry specialists to help prepare your own T+1 readiness plan".
With T+1 for North American securities set for 28 May 2024, firms globally are evaluating the significant and urgent impact that accelerated US and Canadian trade settlement will have on their technology and operations across the entire trade lifecycle. The successful transition to T+1 will require immediate technological, behavioural and operational changes across both sell-side and buy-side firms.

Join us for our forthcoming webinar on 14 June 2023 at 2 p.m., where Martin Kunz, Swiss-based partner of the ValueExchange, and Barnaby Nelson, founder and managing partner of the ValueExchange, will provide you with practical challenges, opportunities and approaches that can be taken to meet T+1 requirements. Our webinar will cover a number of topics, including:

• T+1: Operations and technology health assessment - framework and approach
• Breakdown and analysis of the key areas impacted across the trade lifecycle – for banks and brokers, custodians and investment managers
• The role and benefits of technology in simplifying trade processing
• The steps that each of us can be taking now to prepare for T+1
• What's on the horizon: T+1 for UK, European and Asian securities and the eventual transition to T+0

14.06.2023, 14:00 Uhr
14.06.2023, 15:00 Uhr
Kontaktname: AMAS events
Telefon: +41 61 278 98 00

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