22. Juni 2022 I Virtuell I Exclusiv für Mitglieder

Webinar on MiFID II

With the entry into force of MiFID II in the EU in August 2022, Swiss asset managers may also be affected. MiFID II and its delegated acts were amended to integrate sustainability considerations into product governance, organisational requirements, and operating conditions. To assess the relevance and consequences of MiFID II and to prepare for them, the Asset Management Association Switzerland would like to invite you to a Webinar on the topic on June 22.

Lana Ollier, ECOFACT legal expert, will provide a detailed view of the regulation. The presentation will be followed by a Q&A and will also be the opportunity for members to exchange and share their experience on the implementation of MiFID II in their respective institutions.

22.06.2022, 10:00 Uhr
22.06.2022, 11:00 Uhr
Virtuelle Veranstaltung
Kontaktname: AMAS Events
Telefon: 061 278 98 00

Exklusiv für Mitglieder


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